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Tuesday, March 23, 2010


There are these problems I have with advertising on the internet anymore.  It used to be everyone against Pop-ups, but the Pop-up blockers have gotten much better and so advertising is no longer by Pop-ups but in-browser Pop-ups.  Which is really quite more annoying.  Personally I could always deal with out of browser Pop-ups, a little troublesome, but not getting in the way when I am trying to look something up and an extra minute is added as the screen darkens and it takes a minute for the in-browser pop-up to load.  That is annoying.

Also, in text browsers, when you have the double lines or the dotted lines underneath words for advertising.  What?!  I really hate that because I prefer the Wikipedia style, having words linked to a source for researching into the word.  So that is what I do, I have tried linking a lot of the various words in the past, to let any of the readers look into it.  It was only Common Sense, I thought?!  But maybe the readers expect for it to be advertising links, so here is a very clear thing, I never will purposefully put that type of advertising on this website.  I am more cool then Yahoo.

The second type of advertising I am starting to hate, the side menu advertising.  Now, I do rather like the Google Adsense.  And eventually I will get it, when I feel like I am actually posting something worth getting paid for, or have enough useful things to get paid for.  But the advertisements on the side that start playing music or something…. what?!  This mostly occurs when I am looking up lyrics to a song that I am playing, I want to see what is actually being sung because I will admit I usually cannot tell what is being said.  But, then something on the browser starts playing in the advertisements.  WHAT IS EVEN THE POINT?!

I think Youtube, as bad as Youtube is, has the most sensible advertisements.  They are still rather annoying, since it mostly is playing the same advertisements over and over again, but they put them into the videos.  That is how TV has been.  Though, Youtube will run into the same problem as Television… too much advertising still.  They want more money from it so put even more advertisements up so it becomes a burden.  No longer following the Economics approach of what would be the proper small percentage of the content that is advertising to make money but not be worried about making millions of dollars in money.  Really, please, think.

The Anecdotal Rabbit

Monday, March 22, 2010

Current Thoughts

I am currently working on a few things that I will be posting sometime during the next month, hopefully.  I just do not yet have enough data written up on these projects that makes them worth posting, sadly; but, mostly this has been delayed because of procrastination.  I do have some working titles, and here they are:

  • The True Meaning of Acronyms
  • Books To Write and the Anecdotes that Follow


  • Excerpts from some of the future Books

Those are about it, actually.  But it does take a lot of time, effort, and concentration.  I mean, take all these acronyms that we have today and put them down on a list, that part is fairly simple, how many acronyms are commonly used anyways: LOL, ROFL, BRB, BBL, ASL, K, TMI, FYI, IMO, IMAO, IMHO, RSVP, ASAP… well, there are quite a few, so that is a lot to take and reprogram with.  I mean, getting rid of knowing what they already mean, finding new words that fill in the characters, and making sure the new phrase means something entirely contrary.  Right?  It will take time when I have not even started.

The Books though, I already can think of tons of them, I just need to write a list of them down, and then what the excerpts from some of the books are.

The Anecdotal Rabbit

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Current News

I want to start off by saying, it is not my intention to have political postings or conversations.  I would rather keep politics away from here; but, recent issues in the nation, I ended up reading through various articles including this one from Yahoo:

WASHINGTON — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says he has enough votes to push changes in the health care overhaul bill through the Senate.

House leaders expect to pass the Senate's version of the legislation on Sunday.

House Democrats want to make changes in that bill — and those fixes will come a different measure that would require the Senate's OK.

House Democrats have been worried that their changes might die in the Senate and leave representatives vulnerable to campaign attacks.

But Reid, D-Nev., was at a meeting of House Democrats today and tried to reassure them.

He said he had "the commitment of a significant majority" to help send health care legislation to the White House.”

I was just reading this and thinking, how can this Democrat from Nevada say “the commitment of a significant majority”, all the polls are pointing to the significant majority of opposition to the bill.  I just have to say then, I think by “significant”, or the “fairly large"”, majority is the majority that China and India have.  That is all I can figure, because China and India can arm their entire populations with sticks and over run the united States of America.

Anyways, unless another one of these poor charismatic quotes by any of the politicians come up that I need most importantly comment on, then I hope to never be having another political posting.

Enjoy this first and hopefully last event.


The Anecdotal Rabbit

Monday, March 1, 2010


The fault of walking.

Earthquakes are just another thing caused by human involvement, obviously. We have Global Climate Change that is a major thing, not Global Warming anymore since enough people finally were able to point out all the inconsistencies on a large enough scale (everything about it). Global Climate Change is from human involvement, because we are allowing the forests to overgrow by not being involved with thinning forests and allowing for the undergrowth to burn; but, that is lack of human involvement and that is a good thing.

Tornadoes are caused by human involvement as well. It is not the butterfly flapping its wings, it is all the humans that are breathing out causing the change in wind current and you have tornadoes… and hurricanes. The Wyoming Wind I would assume is just from all the hot air released from the people in Washington, Oregon, California, and everything west (The East) of there. This is called having Egos.

Meteors are also caused by human involvement. If humans did not keep trying to play the odds to see if that luck of chance to be hit by a meteor when they walk out their front door then we would not be having any meteors crashing down to the ground. As for volcanoes, I am still working on that one.


But Earthquakes are the most series cause of all human involvement. It is because we have too many people that are walking around. The last census reported a population of over six billion, the census this year will be somewhere between seven and eight billion, we will just take a figure of exactly seven billion. Now you have seven million people, which would be fourteen billion legs; but, to account for people without legs for any possible reason… twelve billion legs. Now, assuming a figure of weight averaging at about… hmm… one hundred fifty pounds, for seven billion people, that is talking about one trillion fifty billion pounds of weight walking on the surface of this planet via twelve billion points of contact… that is a lot of weight and I am surprised this planet has not yet spun out of it’s orbit because of all those humans involved. (Not including all the trillions of animals and all their weight, either) Obviously because we all are walking around or moving around in some form then humans are definitely at fault for earthquakes. And all this blood in Haiti and Chile, it is on everyone’s hands, unless you are a person who remains perfectly still and never goes anywhere at all. And good luck with that then.

The Anecdotal Rabbit

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Why should I not use it?

Well, admittedly there is a possible problem involved with relying on a wiki article, such as Wikipedia.  It can be edited by anyone.  Of course, that is still a reason to use the article.  When there are mistakes on the articles then they can be corrected.  However, on other websites, they cannot necessarily be corrected, and they also are not using a reference link system to multiple other websites (most often), so they can be biased by one individual person and that is how it is.  At least with the Wikipedia, while the first edit may be wrong, the next edit can correct some of those mistakes, and use references,  and the third edit will take out even more of the mistakes.

The major problem with Wikipedia though… Monopoly.  What other websites are out there that are as extensive as Wikipedia?  Well, there is Uncyclopedia.  Though that just is to make fun of Wikipedia and be comedy all around.  There is Encyclopedia Dramatica, that is very poorly written and maintained, and stupidly overly dramatic about everything (why does everything have to come down to homosexual pictures or tentacle porn?).  Why do we have to be just so overly dramatic, why can we not just all be friends and not have to worry about things going wrong or poorly or being so worried about emotions and having to cry because people are just so very overly dramatic and it just goes so wrong.

Individual stories or ideas can also have their own Wiki sites.  Halo Wikia, all of the lies about people trying to compare the game story and the book story together when they do not actually share a lot in common, INCONSISTENT.  How about Memory Alpha, Star Trek Wikia, every article written about Star Trek to show the ever insurmountable INCONSISTENT behaviour of the various series.  Why do I keep making references to Star Trek in seemingly every article?  Okay, I will skip over the hundreds of different Wiki sites to get to the interesting ones.  Firefly.  Firefly does still deserve an article or hundreds of articles to itself, but, why are there two (at least that I can readily find) different Wikia sites?  We have firefly.wikia.com or fireflywiki.org.  Am I the only one who things this is awesome?  It is called 0aggressive expansion because of competition.  Unfortunately, the Firefly universe only expands to the point of the author’s perspective, unlike the world that has a very much real history of, what, six thousand or so years of humanity.  But still, we need to learn from Joss Whedon.



The Anecdotal Rabbit

Monday, February 1, 2010

Ryan Versus Dorkman II

I am sure that a lot of people have blogged about this, and nearly everyone has to have watched this. (Correction, I have found someone who has not, they must walk the walk of shame) Anyways, for anyone else who has not watched this, watch it. For everyone who has watched it... well... you know how it is... watch it again.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Check Please!

Do you know a different restaurant where I can go?

Restaurants and Waitresses must have, and need to have, a really great, I mean a really really great, sense of humour. Just think about it for a moment, anyone could say “Hey! Last time me food was still living! Take this back and bring me fresh food! I want it wiggling on the way down and slithering to try and get back up!” However, not just any Waitress or Restaurant, or even Group of Customers, will take this joke as you do and still laugh.


Customers, the most likely to not get the joke, and actually be rather annoyed because they have more sense of humour. They are most likely to stand up, wipe their mouth, throw the napkin down, and in utter disgust state their beliefs, “Disgusting,” before marching out of the establishment and never coming back. But, this is explained, these are people of the land, simple kind of normal people; You know… Morons.

How a Restaurant will take the joke, this is a very different matter. The term Restaurant in this case is referring to the Owners, Managers, Cooks, and any and all Food and Health Inspectors that are currently present while you are there. This will end in three ways. If none of the people know you, then you will be kicked out and banned. If you do personally know and are friends with the Owners or/and Managers, then you will get a warning but not be kicked out. However, if a Food and Health Inspector is present, and even if you are friends with anyone, you will still be kicked out and banned. Thus, remember, make friends with the restaurant owners and always watch your back for Liars.

Not the fun part, the different ways that a Waitress might respond to a wonderful comment. Yes, I know there are Waiters, but A) They are actually hosts, and B) There are fewer males then females so it does not matter. There are an unlimited amount of ways that they will respond, but here are five examples, to start with:

1. “Eww!” Answer: never return to the restaurant, it is obviously apparent that the managers and owners have a poor sense of hiring a competent or worthwhile staff.

2. The Waitress will stop serving your table for the rest of your stay. Answer: Love Letter on Napkin.

3. Spitting in the food. Answer: This Waitress obviously wants to be flirted with and hit on, she has a keen interest in sharing germs, try to kiss her.

4. Sarcastic Smirks, Insulting and yet still Complimenting Comments, and also including Playful Punches. Answer: Right back atcha. A Relationship is worth pursuing at this point as apparently this Waitress has a decent sense of humour, this may lead to an interesting conversation or an interesting series of conversations and continuing conversations.

5. She will do nothing. Answer: “Check Please!”

The Anecdotal Rabbit


My name is not that!

I was thinking lately about the privacy act laws that we have instated, the ones that you have to follow because it is the government regulating it, I got bad knees so I have a problem with bowing down. But alright, these laws are the ones where you cannot get a single bit of information because you are not the person on the account, it does not matter if you are the one paying it and taking care of it in every form… you cannot know anything. A lot of fun on the phone there, make a random call to some random company and demand the information about twenty different people, make sure you are calling on the cellphone belonging to some idiot though (such as your own), that way the FBI will have a plausible target.

There is the security problems with protecting private information, and protecting identities. That is why it is most ominous and must be answered when some random site online asks for your Social Security Number. Who even remembers their own number? I think it starts with a 5, and you got a 10% chance to guess the next character. And what do you mean I need my real name? Why do you think I am The Anecdotal Rabbit, because I like the name? Well, I do like the name, but that is not the point, like I am going to tell everyone that my name is Alexander Reynolds? Oh, I just did. Alright, I will start posting pictures of myself?

My biggest issue right now is actually from a certain website, really annoying me, those sweet words: “your name change request has been rejected by our automated approval system. Okay? So i am not allowed to change my name? I could have just gone down to a courthouse and “legally” changed my name to goofy scrappy doo? The point of blocking this is? Of course, you really do not have to legally change anything in the first place, if you want to be called “Toto Annihilation” then go for it. If you want to say you were born in a Buddhist Monastery high in the Andes Mountains on the 30th of April in the year 1945, then go for it. If you and another person are believing that you are married and you made a promise to each other, witnesses to the contract, all that then you are; IT DOES NOT MATTER WHAT THE GOVERNMENT KNOWS, it matters what God knows.

All of these issues that we have for the Security and Privacy. We have instated laws on it, the biggest laws in the wrongest of ways; and, protecting you if you want to bow down, maybe get some knee pads, and I will tell you just where the nose goes.

Maybe I do have it all wrong about the status of idiocy. But, Nah.

The Anecdotal Rabbit

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Movie Endings

But wait till we bring II, and III, and then IV just when you think it is over.

A lot of movies do this, they have fairly good endings and then what? We can watch the ending ruined when they bring another movie onto the scene, they realize they did not do a good job on the II movie and they will leave it with a huge cliffhanger, then they release the III movie with the ending that gets either the reaction “I am going to kill everyone involved with making this”, or, “I am at peace now.” Perhaps I am thinking Pirates of the Caribbean, or perhaps I am not thinking of a movie but just thinking about Halo. Technically, there is a Halo IV and Halo V, and Halo VIv2.0. I do not believe that Pirates of the Caribbean will make another movie, the stupid and lame part of the ending makes it rather solid as well. However, there are a few untied ends through the movie that means, if the actors are listening to the paycheck, they will make a Pirate of the Caribbean 1/2: The whole tie between Blackbeard and Jack Sparrow? And the relation between Jack Sparrow and Cutler Beckett?

If they do film a 1/2, then I will just say it, they should try to film it with younger, etchier versions of themselves:

Teenage Teal'c: Yo! Wonderbread! You got that address figured out?

Teenage Daniel: Chill T! I'm like, translating as fast as I can!

Teenage Vala: I am so sick of being treated as an object to be worshiped! I am a real person with real feelings!

Teenage Daniel:: You know, I don't think Mitchell likes me anymore...

Teenage Vala: I'm pregnant.

[Cut to SG-1 in the conference room.]

Lt. Col. Carter: Uh-uh.

Dr. Jackson: No.

Lt. Col. Mitchell: [incredulous look] Nope.

Teal'c: [sullen silence]

Lord of the Rings, the movies and books. While the movies were based, loosely, off of the books. The endings on the movies were a bit worse. But when it comes to the Fellowship and the Two Towers then you already know “There is one after this.” The really poor ending is Return of the King. On the movie, how many ending scenes do we need to go through? And for the book, why is half the book just the “afterwords”?

I will not even touch Harry Potter, I never read the sixth and seventh book, it was mostly a “This fifth book is actually great… which means any book following this will be complete rubbish.” And what is it that happens to come out? “Watch what happens when I shove a stick up my nose to smash my brains then use this hooked thing to pull my brains out through my nose…” “Wait, that is what they do for Mummifying in Egypt.” “But it will work!”

Fast and Furious series. I remember first watching the first The Fast and The Furious, and at the ending I thought “Awesome ending, that works great, cool, great movie.” But everyone else was “Well I want more, this is such a cliffhanger leaving you wanting more…” Am I the only one who, while I enjoy Vin Diesel Movies, they rarely actually leave me with wanting a further movie, I think the endings are rather solid, but getting to that. They came out with 2 Fast 2 Furious, also an alright movie, just not as great without Vin Diesel, but I can live with it. The ending on it was also pretty solid though, “Alright, they will set up a garage then.” There is also Tokyo Drift in the equation, but, eh, not part of the story, and Vin Diesel was only at the end. But, in 2009, Fast and Furious came out. (How many can come out with the same name.) That ending was leaving me wanting more, and the story did not seem to match up with 2 Fast 2 Furious, why join back up with the force again? So, maybe 2 Fast 2 Furious was not part of the same universe, it was The Fast and The Furious, Fast and Furious, and then they will make another movie wrapping up the “I really want more, personally.” Still, I could personally be fine with having left it at the first movie without anything added. In a way, Babylon A.D. is like this, solid ending the way I see it, but a lot of other people are complaining about wanting a continued movie on it. The point? Explain? Please? Pretty Please?

The Anecdotal Rabbit


Little Yippie Dogs

So we have this little chat idea, chatting about dogs. We should all gather around children and listen to all of these amazing things that will blow your mind out. NOTE: No napkins will be provided for cleaning up brain matter.

The use of dogs. This is rather dependent on the culture, though it seems that anymore, in the world of today's standards, and yesteryear's, dogs are man's best friend. Who is women's best friend? Of course, there are many many many many species of dog, so what exact species is man's best friend to begin with? Only in France, Poodles? German Shepard's? Siberian Huskies? It all depends on the person to what they will declare as the best dog to be the “best friend”, I suppose. Or you have different groups of men who will sit around yelling at each other, “No, this breed is better, only having this breed are you a true man!” Why are we not having riots about this? This should be business as usual, a war breaking out over differing between what breed of dog is superior, all as just another ordinary day. (People should get over being Wussies!)

To answer that next question, do women have dogs as best friend's as well? Still is dependent on the person, some females enjoy dogs, some females hate dogs, some females really do not care one way or another. I just do not see women starting wars between groups about different breeds of dogs, there wars would be about more serious pressing matters. Such as what is the best order to put on makeup and what ghastly smell of perfume you should wear depending on what shading of makeup you have on and the clothing of bad tastes that you choose to wear. But that is a discussion long enough to have its own few chapters, or possibly book(s), am I right?

Why is it that when women fight, it is called a cat fight?

The Anecdotal Rabbit

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Are we supposed to wonder about what comes next?

There are a lot of interesting series that have come out over all the years. And while they can perhaps have great story lines, sometimes great story lines all the way through, sometimes rough patches, sometimes a lot of rough patches; the endings nearly always… just suck. Realistically I cannot list off every single series, tv or/and book, but I can list off at least a few that I personally know a little bit more about.

Starting with Science Fiction series that I know, specifically starting with Star Trek. If you got a problem with Star Trek, that is your own problem, just know you are still an idiot. The Next Generation, since I actually have not fully watched through the Original Series, had a really great ending to the series. The ending was the same as the beginning, Q and the room, it was wrapping up what had started at the beginning of the series. But it just did not stay wrapped up, enter stage left and right, you have The Next Generation movies on one side and then the next series, specifically on the next series the Q episodes on Voyager (Not really Star Trek, Avery Brooks was not on the first episode, and Majel Barrett only did computer voice). Nemesis should have been the second wrap up then, funny ending, and where was Q still? Also, why is there then still ANOTHER movie after the wrap up? While limiting to just the series though, a pure gold ending. Moving to the next Star Trek, Deep Space Nine. The ending for Deep Space Nine was… big cliffhanger. But, the scene filmed in Vic’s Lounge with Captain Sisco’s speech; gold. Voyager; the scripts were fed to the trash compactors so no one cares. Moving on from Star Trek.

While staying in the confinement of TV series; Arrested Development. I personally thought the ending was great (have not seen the movie yet though). Yes, the ending did really leave for a cliff hanger about “so we are starting over now just minus two of the people?” But, like The Next Generation, it was wrapping up and finishing what was started at the beginning of the series, just creating a problem to repeat through the entire series again. Very good ending there; gold, and I hope the movie is as good as the series.

Babylon 5: It was good for four seasons, but the fifth season was dragging through molasses. Somehow it is understandable, everything really great was over at the end of the fourth season, they finished the shadow war and the civil war; now they get their peace of an alliance and what is going to happen, asides from it falling apart? We bring you fifth season, dragging you through an entire season even though we should have ended it with a 4 episode season. I do admit, the plot with the Centauri does have to be explained as they did do… somewhere in there. At least they did keep parts of the ending consistent, “Centauri will sometimes dream of their deaths, and that dream will be the truth. Ever since I saw G’Kar, I have dreamed that I will die with him with our hands around each other’s neck”, or something similar to that quote. Still, for the ending of the series: Copper.

Stargate SG-1 : Andromeda : Firefly : Battlestar Galactica : Getting Away From Science Fiction : Angel : Forever Night : Simpsons (Will end when Bart grows up?) : Hercules. Could go on a lot, and if you know the series then you know the endings have their ups and downs. Hercules, an alright ending, just wish it did not have to end that soon (curses on Lord of the Rings). Firefly, deserves its whole entire own month of articles. Stargate SG-1, did that ever end, really? Angel, if you know Firefly then you know the story, it still had a decent ending, “Personally, I want to slay the dragon.” Mostly, it really… sucks.

And then you can get into books and the sucky endings, and the movies that follow after books. Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars. But that is saved for another time. Except one last note; Dune, now there is a real ending.

The Saga is Far From Over.

The Anecdotal Rabbit


Suck on this technology!

A previous little discussion was about technology, with brief little glimpses at something even smaller! Economy! Pardon me, bigger*. But this is not only about the economy, it is about the shape of the economy, the idiots who created towards this economy. I know we are all thinking it anyways.

In that technology discussion, there was a lot of stuff stated about communications. There are more forms of communication: telephone, internet, driving at 120 down the interstate, the planes that have the problem of being a plain thing. The communication increases the ability to know things, that ability to learn and understand about technology. But also we have an ability to learn about the economy…. Wait, what did you say? Your what? You did what to your what? You biased racist slandering pig!

Anyways now. There are many classes currently offered between either High School (You know you will not actually learn anything from it, but you might as well take it just to get the credits you need to get a piece of paper that states you do know how to do the things that you should have already known how to do before the four years of working to get that piece of paper) and College. That would be alright, but there is a whole discussion just waiting about the eductrination system.

First up we have United States Government and Economics. Usually more of a High School, you will not learn anything from it, course. Though if you do not want to take both of the semesters, you just take the United States Economics, forget the Government, who needs it after all. But the Economics course, it is United States. Why not a Chinese Economics? Maybe you can take that in China, but you need to wonder what that would be like? “Subjects are the scum of the People’s Republic, every person that is not a brown noser who is extremely high up in government is a Subject. A People’s Republic is made up of Subjects. We do not care about our Subjects. Would you like to support the Chinese Economy and buy Slaves?” But in China the class actually really would go more like “Ho cho ni wa, xia ting mai oihsie.” And that would cover four semesters worth of classes, one sentence is like an entire biography afterall. No, it is not quite that way; you would need three, maybe four sentences, for the biography.

After the basic Economics you can simply take a course on Economics, or Economy. That presents the whole new issue, “Oh, look, the biased people are now outright lying to protect their own skin, they do not want us to know the truth about the most obvious idiocy of themselves.” It ends well after that point, once you get that confession out of the teachers then it changes everything. “What do you mean I need to know anything about this subject to teach it to you puke brat scum?”

There is a course that I have personally never seen, though I would be sure it has to be out there, probably only a college course. The Histories of Economics. What influence did Economics have in the shaping of the Ancient Greek culture in comparison to the Ancient Roman Culture? What influence did Economics have on the Ancient Roman Culture? What influence did Economics have in shaping the tribes of Visigoths, Ostrogoths, or Gauls. Compare and contrast the difference in Economics between Ancient Egypt, the Kingdom of Israel, and the Babylonian Empire. What role did Economics play between Persia and the Babylonian Empire? What went wrong with China at birth; was this involved with Economics? Please, if anyone wants to answer the questions, we got plenty of space for that; we would really not like to know what your opinions are, stay quiet and sit down, have you not yet learned your place in the world, foolish peasants. And please do remember the complimentary toilet paper rolls on your way out. In all and all, a History of Economics would be quite interesting.

“Yo, my mans, here be da deal, I gotta tell ya allz that all these yall problems now are cause o’ dem trash white folk God Fearing people, and now if we aint never had any of those there problems then we be just fine, aint that right, we would be all just fine and all that yall.”

Now look at the two classes, Microeconomics and Macroeconomics. You really do have to take both of them, because neither is complete without the other. After all, if you know what the impacts are from individual people doing everyday things, then you need to know what the impacts are from nations doing the same things. All assuming that the nation is not made up of only one individual person, which would just not quite seem to make sense. But on the larger scale of nations, you would be studying about the decisions made by political idiot animals and those monopolies like Microsoft, and all the stupidity involved with “we just do not understand one single thing about this economy stuff, but we can pretend we do now, just we will pretend.” So what would you rather learn, how the nations ruin your lives, or how all the decisions or your well intentioned next door neighbor are ruining your life? Either way, all you really learn is about how much more stupid humans are with their decisions, even stupider then you had thought in the first place because “I had no idea.”

The Anecdotal Rabbit

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Our Favorite Monopoly

Of course, we all know that Microsoft is a Monopoly when it comes to a Computer OS. Even with Mac, and the various Linux, and the new Google Chrome OS... Windows is the Monopoly. Even with the leading problem with Vista and 7, Windows does have what none of the other OS systems have. Compatibility. Yes, yes, Vista and 7 do have lots of Compatibility issues, “I won’t work with this program unless you pay Microsoft with a contract to the rights of your soul.” But, even with the issues, at least eventually you can get Vista or 7 to run programs that are quite important: Photoshop, AutoCAD, OpenOffice, Rome Total War, Command and Conquer 3...

Though when you think about it then it does explain why most gamers anymore are preferring consoles. At least consoles do not have an Operating System that does not work. Though the problem with Consoles is… Strategy? With Joysticks? Are you on pot? Personally, I have played strategy games on the 360. It is impossible to understand why anyone can enjoy that, the system is far lacking and inferior to strategy games played on computer. (Though, I will admit, Tom Clancy’s End War was quite efficient on 360, and I have never played it on Computer to see the difference; but, Tom Clancy is usually, except for Vegas, more detailed involved with the games. I always did enjoy the Raven Shield.) Why is the cursor always stuck to the middle of the screen? At least with a mouse you have the ability to move the cursor around more, select more, have a whole list of hotkeys available at a whim with a vast selection of keys to choose from. Why do you think Korean players will KeKeKe bang anyone on StarCraft? Because they do not use a mouse and are typing so fast on a keyboard that your eyes would bleed trying to catch up with it, hehehe.

Now back to the issue involving the Operating System. All of the blogs and such written about the Google Chrome OS was involving one important thing, “rethink what operating systems should be” with the whole Browser based idea? Now, I am not sure about everyone else, but personally I am not always in a situation with a reliable source of internet. Past just while traveling that is. But then especially while traveling, you cannot just pull out the laptop while in the passenger seat of a car and start using the computer with internet, just like that. What is the internet speed supposed to run on, hopes and dreams? Stop me right here please, I did forget, we have those cellphone signal chips to pick up internet… if only everyone could really afford them of course, or wanted to waste the time to afford them. I still will try the Google Chrome OS though, and I’ll probably enjoy it, even without the OpenOffice, and AutoCAD, and Photoshop… and Rome Total War.

There is another OS that I have used previously. The Ubuntu. In all things I did rather enjoy that: the completely customizable menu bars, the multiple desktops, not having to worry about Viruses, Intruders, Spyware, Trojans, or Adware.

And, it did have OpenOffice. It also had Gimp, that I personally did not find enjoyable, had to study about using that in a Digital Photography and Graphics class and that was a total bore. Maybe I have just gotten personally used to Photoshop and Paint.net that I switch between at times depending on what I am doing with the images. There was also on Ubuntu an equivalent program to the AutoCAD, just not nearly as good… in any respect or form or anything. And to start on the Rome Total War, using that WINE program, that is pretty much just running a Windows Shell to run the programs, but still did not work for the game.

Of course the finalized product of Google Chrome OS is not quite out, and maybe it will have programs to use for the AutoCAD, and OpenOffice (Google Documents requires internet, and without internet?). Maybe.

For now, this Windows Monopoly, as the only thing that will run the things I need to be running. And of course not just me, but Engineers that need working computers (they might need to start using Paper and Pencil again). I am insulting Windows 7, yes. I know that people are calling it great, thinking that it works wonders, and when I was playing on the RC then it did work wonders. But ever since I have started using the final product on my laptop then I have had constant “Vista” errors that I never even had experienced on Vista in the first place. Still, until Google Chrome, the small violins are playing for me.

Now enjoy, the wonderful Monopoly, Microsoft.

The Anecdotal Rabbit


And we invented what today?

What is it with the technology today? It seems as if the technology is attempting to overpass, undermine, or otherwise completely ignore the economies nature. This is a lot like our government, and every government to ever exist. While yes, technology is advancing as it should, technology today has quite improved over ten or twenty years ago, and the ability for communications by technology are far superior to especially one hundred years ago, or fifty years ago, twenty-five years ago. Today it is far easier to create, or otherwise recreate different pieces of technology, and to learn about how to understand the technology, so much eaiser. But, we are idiots to leave it at just that, now. Technology does not advance in the way that it should be advancing, basically.

The development of most technology is through Science Fiction, “Ooh, it would be neat to have one of those.” Star Trek had the most of the “It would be neat to have one of those.” A case of this would be with Cellphones, and the flipphones that we have today. The push for flipphones is mostly based off of the Communicators from Star Trek the Original Series. Those funny little devices, you flip them open and talk with someone else within range, a lot like cellphones. Except with cellphones we still have the numbers to dial, most of the time, some phones were working on the system of saying a name and it will call it from a database. But all in all, we were pretty much at that point. All nice and everything, until they stop advancing it and suddenly cut the legs out from under us and think that we just do not have the stature to stand up and be accounted for in what would be better to have.

Thus we introduce the PDA, Personal Digital Assisstant. They were devices that were nice back in the hay day, the touch screens that could be used for handwriting, it was pretty much a planner just in a smaller space. And of course, lacking the size of the paper so that it was hard to write nearly as much, and the stylus slips on the pad so your handwriting gets a bit messed up, plus the having to navigate by touching buttons instead of flipping pages, having to wait for the system to respond, not being able to stop on every page and read the Non Sequitor comic or Dilbert comic that is at the bottom. Still, they would have been something useful, just probably could have been more useful to be larger, like the Star Trek datapads, and perhaps with the abilities today they would even work better, having more memory available so that the system does not take forever in a day to respond… though that would start to worry about the programs to be running, and that is past the point. First cellphones picked up the camera, and why, we already have Digital Cameras, and sorry, but a 10.2 megapixel camera, or 9.1, or 8.534 is actually worthwhile instead of the waste of 1.3 megapixel. Then, they mixed the PDA with Cellphone, and… here we are.

The introduction of the iPhone, followed by the Motorola Driod. And a few other various products in between as well. And I only wonder, what is the point in the first place? What happened to advancing from the flip communicators to the com badges? Little things that you clip on your shirt, or go Babylon 5 with sticking to the back of your hand, you just tap on it or press buttons and start speaking with a name to address who you are directing the conversation to and then talking. The Swiss Army knife had a stopping point after about the sixteenth hidden knife that they put on it, or much sooner then that. Though even better, those BabCom units could be used for remote controls. No more misplacing the TV remote, it is a win-win.

Now, the PDA portion in the iPhone and such. It is nice, but what happened to the touch screen? Sure, the enjoyment of having your entire personal biography as well as an entire set of Encyclopedies saved onto a drive accessable by a unit that fits in your pocket is very nice and everything… of course there had at one point been the use of microfilm that just took a magnifier that was not put to waste after a EMP blast. But you do still lack the size of a screen, and the touch screen digital effects. And remember, for books, hard cover books with the larger print size are easier to read then the small paperbacks with the even smaller print. What you could really have is paper sized touch pads, probably would have to be quite a bit thicker though. It would just be a logical concept, and to leave the communicator as that… a communicator. A communicator and Remote Control, that is just remotely communicating to command an electronic device anyways, so its all communication. Advance the communication to the next step. And feel free to send me an E-Mail, my trash basket is feeling abandoned.

The Anecdotal Rabbit