Our Favorite Monopoly
Of course, we all know that Microsoft is a Monopoly when it comes to a Computer OS. Even with Mac, and the various Linux, and the new Google Chrome OS... Windows is the Monopoly. Even with the leading problem with Vista and 7, Windows does have what none of the other OS systems have. Compatibility. Yes, yes, Vista and 7 do have lots of Compatibility issues, “I won’t work with this program unless you pay Microsoft with a contract to the rights of your soul.” But, even with the issues, at least eventually you can get Vista or 7 to run programs that are quite important: Photoshop, AutoCAD, OpenOffice, Rome Total War, Command and Conquer 3...
Though when you think about it then it does explain why most gamers anymore are preferring consoles. At least consoles do not have an Operating System that does not work. Though the problem with Consoles is… Strategy? With Joysticks? Are you on pot? Personally, I have played strategy games on the 360. It is impossible to understand why anyone can enjoy that, the system is far lacking and inferior to strategy games played on computer. (Though, I will admit, Tom Clancy’s End War was quite efficient on 360, and I have never played it on Computer to see the difference; but, Tom Clancy is usually, except for Vegas, more detailed involved with the games. I always did enjoy the Raven Shield.) Why is the cursor always stuck to the middle of the screen? At least with a mouse you have the ability to move the cursor around more, select more, have a whole list of hotkeys available at a whim with a vast selection of keys to choose from. Why do you think Korean players will KeKeKe bang anyone on StarCraft? Because they do not use a mouse and are typing so fast on a keyboard that your eyes would bleed trying to catch up with it, hehehe.
Now back to the issue involving the Operating System. All of the blogs and such written about the Google Chrome OS was involving one important thing, “rethink what operating systems should be” with the whole Browser based idea? Now, I am not sure about everyone else, but personally I am not always in a situation with a reliable source of internet. Past just while traveling that is. But then especially while traveling, you cannot just pull out the laptop while in the passenger seat of a car and start using the computer with internet, just like that. What is the internet speed supposed to run on, hopes and dreams? Stop me right here please, I did forget, we have those cellphone signal chips to pick up internet… if only everyone could really afford them of course, or wanted to waste the time to afford them. I still will try the Google Chrome OS though, and I’ll probably enjoy it, even without the OpenOffice, and AutoCAD, and Photoshop… and Rome Total War.
There is another OS that I have used previously. The Ubuntu. In all things I did rather enjoy that: the completely customizable menu bars, the multiple desktops, not having to worry about Viruses, Intruders, Spyware, Trojans, or Adware.

And, it did have OpenOffice. It also had Gimp, that I personally did not find enjoyable, had to study about using that in a Digital Photography and Graphics class and that was a total bore. Maybe I have just gotten personally used to Photoshop and Paint.net that I switch between at times depending on what I am doing with the images. There was also on Ubuntu an equivalent program to the AutoCAD, just not nearly as good… in any respect or form or anything. And to start on the Rome Total War, using that WINE program, that is pretty much just running a Windows Shell to run the programs, but still did not work for the game.
Of course the finalized product of Google Chrome OS is not quite out, and maybe it will have programs to use for the AutoCAD, and OpenOffice (Google Documents requires internet, and without internet?). Maybe.
For now, this Windows Monopoly, as the only thing that will run the things I need to be running. And of course not just me, but Engineers that need working computers (they might need to start using Paper and Pencil again). I am insulting Windows 7, yes. I know that people are calling it great, thinking that it works wonders, and when I was playing on the RC then it did work wonders. But ever since I have started using the final product on my laptop then I have had constant “Vista” errors that I never even had experienced on Vista in the first place. Still, until Google Chrome, the small violins are playing for me.
Now enjoy, the wonderful Monopoly, Microsoft.
The Anecdotal Rabbit
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