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Tuesday, March 23, 2010


There are these problems I have with advertising on the internet anymore.  It used to be everyone against Pop-ups, but the Pop-up blockers have gotten much better and so advertising is no longer by Pop-ups but in-browser Pop-ups.  Which is really quite more annoying.  Personally I could always deal with out of browser Pop-ups, a little troublesome, but not getting in the way when I am trying to look something up and an extra minute is added as the screen darkens and it takes a minute for the in-browser pop-up to load.  That is annoying.

Also, in text browsers, when you have the double lines or the dotted lines underneath words for advertising.  What?!  I really hate that because I prefer the Wikipedia style, having words linked to a source for researching into the word.  So that is what I do, I have tried linking a lot of the various words in the past, to let any of the readers look into it.  It was only Common Sense, I thought?!  But maybe the readers expect for it to be advertising links, so here is a very clear thing, I never will purposefully put that type of advertising on this website.  I am more cool then Yahoo.

The second type of advertising I am starting to hate, the side menu advertising.  Now, I do rather like the Google Adsense.  And eventually I will get it, when I feel like I am actually posting something worth getting paid for, or have enough useful things to get paid for.  But the advertisements on the side that start playing music or something…. what?!  This mostly occurs when I am looking up lyrics to a song that I am playing, I want to see what is actually being sung because I will admit I usually cannot tell what is being said.  But, then something on the browser starts playing in the advertisements.  WHAT IS EVEN THE POINT?!

I think Youtube, as bad as Youtube is, has the most sensible advertisements.  They are still rather annoying, since it mostly is playing the same advertisements over and over again, but they put them into the videos.  That is how TV has been.  Though, Youtube will run into the same problem as Television… too much advertising still.  They want more money from it so put even more advertisements up so it becomes a burden.  No longer following the Economics approach of what would be the proper small percentage of the content that is advertising to make money but not be worried about making millions of dollars in money.  Really, please, think.

The Anecdotal Rabbit

Monday, March 22, 2010

Current Thoughts

I am currently working on a few things that I will be posting sometime during the next month, hopefully.  I just do not yet have enough data written up on these projects that makes them worth posting, sadly; but, mostly this has been delayed because of procrastination.  I do have some working titles, and here they are:

  • The True Meaning of Acronyms
  • Books To Write and the Anecdotes that Follow


  • Excerpts from some of the future Books

Those are about it, actually.  But it does take a lot of time, effort, and concentration.  I mean, take all these acronyms that we have today and put them down on a list, that part is fairly simple, how many acronyms are commonly used anyways: LOL, ROFL, BRB, BBL, ASL, K, TMI, FYI, IMO, IMAO, IMHO, RSVP, ASAP… well, there are quite a few, so that is a lot to take and reprogram with.  I mean, getting rid of knowing what they already mean, finding new words that fill in the characters, and making sure the new phrase means something entirely contrary.  Right?  It will take time when I have not even started.

The Books though, I already can think of tons of them, I just need to write a list of them down, and then what the excerpts from some of the books are.

The Anecdotal Rabbit

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Current News

I want to start off by saying, it is not my intention to have political postings or conversations.  I would rather keep politics away from here; but, recent issues in the nation, I ended up reading through various articles including this one from Yahoo:

WASHINGTON — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says he has enough votes to push changes in the health care overhaul bill through the Senate.

House leaders expect to pass the Senate's version of the legislation on Sunday.

House Democrats want to make changes in that bill — and those fixes will come a different measure that would require the Senate's OK.

House Democrats have been worried that their changes might die in the Senate and leave representatives vulnerable to campaign attacks.

But Reid, D-Nev., was at a meeting of House Democrats today and tried to reassure them.

He said he had "the commitment of a significant majority" to help send health care legislation to the White House.”

I was just reading this and thinking, how can this Democrat from Nevada say “the commitment of a significant majority”, all the polls are pointing to the significant majority of opposition to the bill.  I just have to say then, I think by “significant”, or the “fairly large"”, majority is the majority that China and India have.  That is all I can figure, because China and India can arm their entire populations with sticks and over run the united States of America.

Anyways, unless another one of these poor charismatic quotes by any of the politicians come up that I need most importantly comment on, then I hope to never be having another political posting.

Enjoy this first and hopefully last event.


The Anecdotal Rabbit