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Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Suck on this technology!

A previous little discussion was about technology, with brief little glimpses at something even smaller! Economy! Pardon me, bigger*. But this is not only about the economy, it is about the shape of the economy, the idiots who created towards this economy. I know we are all thinking it anyways.

In that technology discussion, there was a lot of stuff stated about communications. There are more forms of communication: telephone, internet, driving at 120 down the interstate, the planes that have the problem of being a plain thing. The communication increases the ability to know things, that ability to learn and understand about technology. But also we have an ability to learn about the economy…. Wait, what did you say? Your what? You did what to your what? You biased racist slandering pig!

Anyways now. There are many classes currently offered between either High School (You know you will not actually learn anything from it, but you might as well take it just to get the credits you need to get a piece of paper that states you do know how to do the things that you should have already known how to do before the four years of working to get that piece of paper) and College. That would be alright, but there is a whole discussion just waiting about the eductrination system.

First up we have United States Government and Economics. Usually more of a High School, you will not learn anything from it, course. Though if you do not want to take both of the semesters, you just take the United States Economics, forget the Government, who needs it after all. But the Economics course, it is United States. Why not a Chinese Economics? Maybe you can take that in China, but you need to wonder what that would be like? “Subjects are the scum of the People’s Republic, every person that is not a brown noser who is extremely high up in government is a Subject. A People’s Republic is made up of Subjects. We do not care about our Subjects. Would you like to support the Chinese Economy and buy Slaves?” But in China the class actually really would go more like “Ho cho ni wa, xia ting mai oihsie.” And that would cover four semesters worth of classes, one sentence is like an entire biography afterall. No, it is not quite that way; you would need three, maybe four sentences, for the biography.

After the basic Economics you can simply take a course on Economics, or Economy. That presents the whole new issue, “Oh, look, the biased people are now outright lying to protect their own skin, they do not want us to know the truth about the most obvious idiocy of themselves.” It ends well after that point, once you get that confession out of the teachers then it changes everything. “What do you mean I need to know anything about this subject to teach it to you puke brat scum?”

There is a course that I have personally never seen, though I would be sure it has to be out there, probably only a college course. The Histories of Economics. What influence did Economics have in the shaping of the Ancient Greek culture in comparison to the Ancient Roman Culture? What influence did Economics have on the Ancient Roman Culture? What influence did Economics have in shaping the tribes of Visigoths, Ostrogoths, or Gauls. Compare and contrast the difference in Economics between Ancient Egypt, the Kingdom of Israel, and the Babylonian Empire. What role did Economics play between Persia and the Babylonian Empire? What went wrong with China at birth; was this involved with Economics? Please, if anyone wants to answer the questions, we got plenty of space for that; we would really not like to know what your opinions are, stay quiet and sit down, have you not yet learned your place in the world, foolish peasants. And please do remember the complimentary toilet paper rolls on your way out. In all and all, a History of Economics would be quite interesting.

“Yo, my mans, here be da deal, I gotta tell ya allz that all these yall problems now are cause o’ dem trash white folk God Fearing people, and now if we aint never had any of those there problems then we be just fine, aint that right, we would be all just fine and all that yall.”

Now look at the two classes, Microeconomics and Macroeconomics. You really do have to take both of them, because neither is complete without the other. After all, if you know what the impacts are from individual people doing everyday things, then you need to know what the impacts are from nations doing the same things. All assuming that the nation is not made up of only one individual person, which would just not quite seem to make sense. But on the larger scale of nations, you would be studying about the decisions made by political idiot animals and those monopolies like Microsoft, and all the stupidity involved with “we just do not understand one single thing about this economy stuff, but we can pretend we do now, just we will pretend.” So what would you rather learn, how the nations ruin your lives, or how all the decisions or your well intentioned next door neighbor are ruining your life? Either way, all you really learn is about how much more stupid humans are with their decisions, even stupider then you had thought in the first place because “I had no idea.”

The Anecdotal Rabbit

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