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Saturday, January 30, 2010


My name is not that!

I was thinking lately about the privacy act laws that we have instated, the ones that you have to follow because it is the government regulating it, I got bad knees so I have a problem with bowing down. But alright, these laws are the ones where you cannot get a single bit of information because you are not the person on the account, it does not matter if you are the one paying it and taking care of it in every form… you cannot know anything. A lot of fun on the phone there, make a random call to some random company and demand the information about twenty different people, make sure you are calling on the cellphone belonging to some idiot though (such as your own), that way the FBI will have a plausible target.

There is the security problems with protecting private information, and protecting identities. That is why it is most ominous and must be answered when some random site online asks for your Social Security Number. Who even remembers their own number? I think it starts with a 5, and you got a 10% chance to guess the next character. And what do you mean I need my real name? Why do you think I am The Anecdotal Rabbit, because I like the name? Well, I do like the name, but that is not the point, like I am going to tell everyone that my name is Alexander Reynolds? Oh, I just did. Alright, I will start posting pictures of myself?

My biggest issue right now is actually from a certain website, really annoying me, those sweet words: “your name change request has been rejected by our automated approval system. Okay? So i am not allowed to change my name? I could have just gone down to a courthouse and “legally” changed my name to goofy scrappy doo? The point of blocking this is? Of course, you really do not have to legally change anything in the first place, if you want to be called “Toto Annihilation” then go for it. If you want to say you were born in a Buddhist Monastery high in the Andes Mountains on the 30th of April in the year 1945, then go for it. If you and another person are believing that you are married and you made a promise to each other, witnesses to the contract, all that then you are; IT DOES NOT MATTER WHAT THE GOVERNMENT KNOWS, it matters what God knows.

All of these issues that we have for the Security and Privacy. We have instated laws on it, the biggest laws in the wrongest of ways; and, protecting you if you want to bow down, maybe get some knee pads, and I will tell you just where the nose goes.

Maybe I do have it all wrong about the status of idiocy. But, Nah.

The Anecdotal Rabbit

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